I/II Make a Strong Decision That Lasts

How many times have you decided to quit?

Self-discipline is not the solution.

Break the vicious cycle before it starts.

I/II Task, if you haven’t quit drinking alcohol yet

  • Are you ready to make a big decision now? Do it! Think about it: You will never have to feel ashamed or guilty and inferior because of alcohol again! You can now free yourself from it!
  • Make a strong decision and mark the quitting date on your calendar or on paper/notebook.
  • Actively start preparing yourself for a new life and read and complete a list of all the good things that will follow when you quit alcohol. Also list the unpleasant things that alcohol brings into your life.
  • When you drink for the last time, I recommend doing the following: drink alcohol without any distractions and pay attention to your feelings and thoughts. Don’t turn on the TV or radio, don’t read anything, just sit and drink. Notice if alcohol makes you feel more relaxed. Do you feel good? Are you having fun?
  • If you can, drink enough to get a hangover. Notice how you feel when you wake up the next morning. Write down your feelings and thoughts about yourself and your life.
  • Throw away all the alcohol in your home.

Do these once you have made a strong decision and put the cap on

  1. Measure and Weigh Yourself: Measure your waist and weigh yourself, and record the numbers in your notebook. Continue to measure yourself at the same time once a month. You will notice a change!
  2. Take Monthly Photos: Take a photo of yourself without makeup and without flash in good lighting. Take a photo once a month, and you will notice a change in your eyes and skin.
  3. Download a Sobriety App: Download an app on your phone that tracks sober days, and calculates money and time saved. The Soberisti app is in the works, but in the meantime, you can download an app like “I am Sober” from the app store. It serves as an additional incentive and is free.