The Soberisti Team Introduces: Kaarlo Simojoki Board Member & Advicor in Soberisti Oy   Short CV: Addiction expert, addiction medicine specialist (MD). Formerly served as CEO and Medical Director at A-Clinic, and as a professor of addiction medicine at the University of Helsinki. Leads the development of occupational health...

(The text is an extract from a letter of encouragement to the participants of the Free yourself from wine with ease and joy online course. It is intended to provide peer support and tips for the first sober midsummer)Have a wonderful, sober Midsummer!! The first sober...

Published 4/21Tiina, 48, has been a sober living since October 2020, when she quit alcohol. He is a successful entrepreneur whose drinking was not a concern to anyone, except for Tiina and Tiina's 17-year-old daughter. He didn't get drunk in public, passed out in...

You might be surprised at the many ways in which quitting alcohol can make a difference. I put the cap on in November 2015 after six years of reflection. The main reason why I didn't stop drinking alcohol earlier was because I thought a sober life...

The 12-step world is a man's world. When you read the newspapers, you get the feeling that there is no other way to get sober. The Finnish drug treatment scene is first and foremost a man's world. Since the male perspective is very much a part of...

"242 days sober and a whole new life has begun" I AM a 58-year-old woman working in the care sector.When I was younger, my alcohol consumption was quite moderate, and such occasional use continued well into adulthood. BUT , it happened that wine took over...

The Easy and Happy method I developed works and frees women from alcohol addiction, but some people find it scary and dangerous. If you have not sobered up using, say, the 12-step method, you have sobered up wrong. When I freed myself from alcohol addiction five...

If you're considering capping and are thinking about the "big decision", here are a few tips: Make a list of reasons why you would stop. Don't waste the list, but look at it every time you consider your decision. My list looked like this: I'm afraid...

There are probably as many definitions of alcoholism as there are definers. At what point does the habit become an addiction, and when does it turn into alcoholism? I don't know. I don't like to make strict definitions, because I don't like compartmentalisation. I think it's...

We were in London this week with my daughter and one evening we went to the acclaimed Italian restaurant Earl's Court on a picturesque side street. As we were placing our order, an elegantly dressed older man peered through the door, interrupted us and asked...