SOBERISTi® is a modern online method that help to get free from alcohol addiction. Offered by the employer, this low-threshold service for employees includes one year of (online) change coaching, expert lectures, weekly online peer meetings, and a support community.


Lighter and more cost-effective solution for alcohol addiction that solves existing problems and prevents the occurrence of new ones.


No fear of stigma.

Help is available immediately, anytime, anywhere.

SOBERISTi® -service pays for itself many times over.

Timely help for alcohol addiction is cost-effective, and it pays for itself many times over. From an employee’s perspective, early help for alcohol dependence provided by the employer is one of the most important methods of support. Read more below on why the SOBERISTi service has its place before and alongside occupational health.

SOBERISTi® is a proven method for alcohol dependence.

SOBERISTi® is a proven method for treating and preventing alcohol dependence.

Benefits of the SOBERISTi® Method

Alcohol addiction often develops in secret for a long time. At the point when the employer has to deal with an employee’s alcohol abuse, the problem has already gotten worse and affected work performance, medical costs, and the workplace climate.

Few people seek help at a stage when their problem is not yet visible. Even those who would like help with their problem are afraid to seek it for fear of being stigmatized.


SOBERISTi’s online coaching meets this need. It provides low-threshold help for those who need support to get sober but don’t want to make their problem public.

Low-threshold anonymous online coaching

SOBERISTi provides employers low-threshold online coaching to help their employees break free from alcohol problems. Our services can be integrated into the company intranet, where employees can join in free of charge, completely anonymously and with an extremely low threshold.

Low-threshold anonymous online coaching

SOBERISTi provides employers low-threshold online coaching to help their employees break free from alcohol problems. Our services can be integrated into the company intranet, where employees can join in free of charge, completely anonymously and with an extremely low threshold.


*Replies to customer surveys. Based on the responses, those who have set goals and committed to the method are successful in making the change.


*Replies to customer surveys. Based on the responses, those who have set goals and committed to the method are successful in making the change.

Customer feedback

The best thing about the Free Yourself from Wine with Ease and Joy course is the freedom and joy of learning, not the old intimidation/threats/randomness.

I have 7.5 months of sobriety behind me. Without the support of this group, I would not have succeeded. This is where I got the tools for a new sober life and support in difficult moments. Zoom dates are important.

I am so grateful for this course! Without it, I would not have been able to free myself from alcohol. Now I feel like I've started a new life and I can do anything! This feeling is incredible <3

I bought a motorbike on Monday! I used the money that I didn't drink away. And it's nice not to have to think about whether it'll be ready to drive in the morning. Dreams do come true, one at a time.

Now, as a soberist, it's lovely to think about the summer ahead. No wasted days because of a hangover. Summer is too short anyway.

This week, it will be one month. Another weekend without shame or grumpiness. I've fallen in love with a new "sparkling wine" that I drink ice-cold from a large glass: lemon soda. Just wonderful!

Remote meeting & presentation

Would you like to learn more about the services we offer to employers? Or would you like to work with us to find or develop right service for you? Book a meeting in the calendar to discuss further!
Click on the button below to book a 60-minute remote presentation.


SOBERISTi is an anonymous online service aimed at preventing the need for treatment referrals and reducing costs. There are no entries in personal health records or notifications to the employer, thus eliminating concerns about stigmatization.

10% of your employees could be heavy alcohol consumers. SOBERISTi’s service prevents alcohol-related absences and costly treatment referrals both now and in the future.

Online course with video-coachging, daily encouragement messages and community where one gets peer support.

Participants can join coaching anonymously, and their participation is not reported to the employer at the personal data level.

The coaching impacts participants comprehensively and positively. Their sleep quality improves, stress levels decrease, energy increases, and physical and mental fitness improve. Creativity, presence, and joy of life return. They save money and time when it is no longer used on alcohol, leading to healthier and productivity-enhancing hobbies. Mood improves, reflecting in attitudes and social interactions.

Respecting users’ privacy, we do not share user data with companies, believing the risk of misuse is far lower than the benefits it brings. We provide subscriber anonymized user data. It’s also possible to verify users’ authenticity without compromising anonymity; contact us for more information!

Upon subscription, you’ll receive a clear info package containing images and texts, making it easier for employees to take part in SOBERISTi’s change coaching.

After signing the contract, you’ll receive a code and info package. Employees can then join the coaching as soon as they are mentally ready for it.